How To | The World's Best Gardening Blog

3 Responses

  1. John
    John at | | Reply

    I hope to enjoy following your posts. Thanks.

  2. suzanne Hall
    suzanne Hall at | | Reply

    Parrotia persica ‘Veronica’: Is this cultivar beneficial to pollinators and birds? I’m considering a Veronica for my native city garden in Virginia because we need trees for nesting.

  3. Jim Barborinas
    Jim Barborinas at | | Reply

    Amy, I am a consulting arborist and also run a wholesale tree nursery near Mount Vernon, WA. I write articles for the PNWISA Chapter Newsletter on trees. Can I use the one shot of the Incense-cedar tree that you have on your website for the article and I will give you photo credits? I do not get paid for writing this article.
    On another note, I read your article about Parrotia. At the end of the article, you asked if anyone grew cultivars. I grow 4 cultivars as well as many other cultivars of other tree species. I would love to talk sometime and compare notes on trees. My cell is 360-770-9921 if you are interested. Thank you for considering, Jim

Please let me know what you think. I’d love to hear from you!

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