In the Neighborhood

What Happens When You Tickle a Pine Tree in Spring?

What Happens When You Tickle a Pine Tree in Spring?

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On this trip around the neighborhood, I check in on conifers. Upstaged by the flamboyant flowers of high spring—azaleas and rhododendrons, peonies, irises, and poppies—conifers are often overlooked this time of year, which is a shame.  Although they don’t make a big spectacle, conifers are undergoing changes now, too. I love the contrast between the dark green old needles and… Read more →

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How Neighborly Is Your Front Yard?

How Neighborly Is Your Front Yard?

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On my many walks around the neighborhood, I see a lot of personalities expressed through front yards.  Many front yard landscapes leave me with a distinct impression of the sort of people who may live inside.  Do you interpret them the same way I do? Front yard fruit and vegetable gardens sometimes make the news when city officials want to see them moved… Read more →

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Icy Garden Photos: Leafcicles, Monkey Heads, and Winter Blooms

Icy Garden Photos: Leafcicles, Monkey Heads, and Winter Blooms

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I love all seasons of the year–even when there’s not much (or anything) blooming.  Winter has its unique beauties.  However, after moving to Portland, I didn’t expect to see much of the winter wonderland that visits the Midwest.  Boy, was I wrong this year!  Nine inches of snow and a coating of ice made for some fierce cabin fever last weekend,… Read more →

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